
Border Management Staff Course


Eligible Participants: Mid to Senior Level Officers of Border, Customs, Immigration, Police, Drug Control, Phyto-sanitary, and Trade/Transport Services and Agencies

Geographic Focus: 57 OSCE participating States and 11 Partners for Co-operation

Description: This one month course focuses on principles and standards of the OSCE Border Security and Management Concept, which covers all three dimensions of security, including the political-military, economic and environmental, and human aspects.

It is composed of seven overarching modules that present the OSCE’s comprehensive approach to effective border security and management. Each of the modules reflects relevant best practices and lessons identified.

The modules focus on Promoting Border Security and Management in the OSCE Area; Border Security and Management Models (Political-Military Dimension); Economic and Environmental Factors of Border Security and Management (OSCE Economic and Environmental Dimension); Human Dimension of Border Control and Management (OSCE Human Dimension); Organizational Management and Leadership; Learning and Teaching Methodologies.

Each module is presented through a variety of training and learning methods that include:

Lectures and presentations,

Follow-up discussions on subject matter,

Group exercises and activities supported by experts,

Group research projects,

Roundtable discussions with experts from international organisations and the diplomatic community,

Field visits to the nearby borders with Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.

Since 2014, once a year, a Staff Course is organised for Women Leaders only.


Border Security and Management for Senior Leadership Course (BSMSL)


Partner: The Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)

Eligible Participants:Mid to Senior Level Officers of Border, Customs, Immigration, Police, Drug Control, Phyto-sanitary, and Trade/Transport Services and Agencies, Instructors of National Border Guard/Police and Customs Academies/Institutes

Geographic Focus: 57 OSCE participating States and 11 Partners for Co-operation

Description: The Border Security and Management for Senior Leadership Course (BSMSL) is a one year blended learning course (combining in-class lectures and online learning), accredited by EKKA Quality Assessment Council for Higher Education. This professional development opportunity is aimed at enhancing the professional skills of current and future border security managers in the context of international standards.

Participants learn and research important features of the contemporary security environment, different aspects of threats, the OSCE Border Security and Management strategic thinking, as well as management and leadership. Upon successful defence of their course works, the participants will receive 60 ECTS credits, equivalent to level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework , or a Postgraduate Diploma.

The course curriculum is composed of three modules:

  1. Modern Security Challenges and Border Management

  2. Management and Leadership

  3. Current and Emerging Trends in Border Security Management and Trade Facilitation

Each module is presented through a variety of training and learning methods, including:

  • Self-learning in electronic environment (e-learning) supported by tutoring,

  • Lectures and presentations,

  • Follow-up discussions on subject matter and follow-up activities,

  • Group exercises, discussions and exercises supported by experts,

  • Study visits.


To apply for participation in Border Security and Management for Senior Leadership Course, please send a filled-in application form and letter of motivation to bmsc@osce.orgThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than August 10th, 2018. Please refer to the below documents for registration forms and motivation letter requirements:

Letter of Motivation Requirements: (English) (Русский)

Registration Form Border Management Staff College: (English) (Русский)